About this Site
This site was created to gather together ideas on specific topics of interest, so that they can easily be assessed and understood and suggestions made for work in those areas, by those that choose to make a difference in the world.
The inspiration behind this site was based on the following ideas :-
- That news aggregator sites (especially on alternative topics) would churn information on given subjects, but would provide no introduction to the subject matter being linked to and would expect you to already understand the content being discussed/promoted.
- That Think Tanks appeared to be the preserve of those with financial means, which exclude the majority of the population from any input of the direction of how the planet, governments and other organisations go in.
This web site aims to help this by :-
- Creating discussion articles on ideas/topics considered to be of importance.
- Making suggestions for tasks that can be carried out by individuals in society without the need for government approval or action, so that work gets carried out to improve the world, by those that think it important or necessary.
No one should be compelled to follow the ideas on this website, they should only take action if they feel inspired to do so.
May you be the change you wish to see in this world
It should be noted the ideas on this website will be in alignment of its creator (Clive Middleton), if you disagree with the points of view presented here, then we suggest you get off your backside and create your own think tank in accordance with your ideals, or take what ever other action (being that it harm none) that you deem necessary to improve the world.